Green No-CoinerThe Green No-Coiner is from another world. He spent sufficient time on earth visiting different cities including Detroit. However, he failed to understand the value of bitcoin.
No-Coiner DadBob is a father of 3 and was once voted as "Best Dad Ever" by his children. However, things started to head south after the creation of Bitcoin. He missed an early opportunity to purchase bitcoin and is now the worst dad ever.
Handsome No-CoinerDespite being handsome, the Handsome No-Coiner does not understand the value of bitcoin and will end up shedding handsome tears at night. He has nothing else going for him except his good looks, which got him nowhere.
Mr. No-CoinerMr. No-Coiner is a 2nd grade math teacher. He's an expert in math but isn't that smart as he does not understand the bitcoin equation.
No-Coiner PugJack is an 8 year old pug. He keeps himself caged up as he's too embarrassed to admit that he's a no-coiner. He secretly bought dogecoin, as he felt that would make him a coiner. He has not been happy about that investment and regrets not getting bitcoin instead.
Muscular No-CoinerThe Muscular No-Coiner spends most of his time at the gym and looking in the mirror. Sadly, he chose to reflect himself in the mirror too much and not on the value of bitcoin. He mixes whey protein with his salty tears before his daily work-out.
No-Coiner Stand-Up ComedianBrad is a professional stand-up comedian and a no-coiner on the side. He may make others laugh but he's miserable inside as a no-coiner.